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From the view of Eloi

This is the first time I've been abroad and for such a long time, so the goodbyes are not easy.

Differences between France and Czech-Republic

From the view of Eloi

When you go to a foreign country, you have to acclimatise to the way of life of its inhabitants and to the habits of the country.

Travel at Prague

From the point of view of Eloi

On the weekend of 25/26 March, my sister joined me in the Czech Republic. We ended up in Prague to visit and tour the city.

A week-end at Budapest

From the point of view of Eloi

This weekend we went to Budapest with our friends from ESAIP. We left on Thursday evening to take the train to Brno (second largest city in the Czech Republic) which is located further south and close to the Austrian, Slovak and Hungarian borders.

A week-end at Vienna

From the point of view of Eloi

The weekend of 28-30 April, I undertook a solo trip to Vienna.

Return to France

From the point of view of Eloi

For our return to France, we had to manage a lot of things at the level of the university, our dormitory and of course the transport, the logistics...