A week-end at Vienna

From the view of Eloi

A week-end at Vienna

From the view of Eloi

On the weekend of 28-30 April, I undertook a solo trip to Vienna. My adventure started at around 8am on the way to the Austrian capital. I reached Vienna in the early afternoon and settled into my Airbnb, a small flat in the heart of the city. Once I had dropped off my belongings, I was eager to start my tour. My first stop was the majestic St. Stephen's Cathedral. The Gothic architecture of this monument simply amazed me, and I took the time to admire the meticulous details of its sculptures.

St Etienne Cathedrale

Afterwards, I strolled through the picturesque streets of Vienna, including the famous Graben, a famous shopping avenue.


I was captivated by the historic buildings around me, testifying to the cultural richness of the city. To complete this Viennese immersion, I took a well-deserved break in a typical café. Viennese cafés are simply unmissable, and I enjoyed a delicious pastry. The next morning I decided to visit Schönbrunn Palace. Although I had to pay to enter the palace, I was able to enjoy the sumptuous gardens surrounding it, filled with thousands of colourful flowers, for free. Continuing my discovery of Vienna, I went to the Naschmarkt, a lively food market. I feasted on Viennese specialities, enjoying delicious sausages and pastries.


In the afternoon, I visited the Art History Museum, where I had the chance to look at beautiful art collections. As a student, I was able to get free admission, which made this cultural experience all the more enjoyable. I didn't allow myself a restaurant because of the budget already set for the weekend, but the Viennese cafés and open-air markets really delighted me. On Sunday, before heading home, I decided to take a peaceful walk along the Danube. This quiet moment allowed me to enjoy the Viennese atmosphere one last time. I took refuge in the Stadtpark, a beautiful park, and strolled to the Volksgarten, past museums, the opera house and other historical monuments. At 4 pm it was unfortunately time to leave this beautiful city and return to Ostrava. I had fun comparing Vienna and Prague and this is what I got out of it: they are two cities that stand for a very different era. Prague seduces visitors with its medieval atmosphere, narrow streets and beautiful bridges. Vienna, on the other hand, is known for its imperial heritage, symbolised by grandiose buildings such as museums and palaces. On the culinary front, while one offers hearty Czech cuisine, the other features fine pastries.

Finally, I am happy to be able to travel and compare the capitals and through them, the cultures of the countries I visit.