Travel at Prague

From the view of Eloi

Travel at Prague

From the view of Eloi

On the weekend of 25/26 March, my sister joined me in the Czech Republic. We ended up in Prague to visit and tour the city. Being a student, I didn't want to put too much money into the trip so I proposed to go anywhere where there was no need to pay (she was staying for a week). This criterion took us to the city centre, Prague castle, the quays, ... everything that is visible from the outside. Prague is a beautiful city where every house is different in colour, pattern, architecture, ... One visit outside is more than enough to fall in love with the city. First of all, we were surprised to see a number of crucifixes, biblical references and especially a lot of churches because the reputation of the Czech Republic is to be a very secular country. The Czech churches are beautiful ... very different from the French churches. The churches here are at the same time much newer but their interiors are filled with gold which creates a very dignified, grand architecture.


As in France, their size varies but all without exception are sublime. You can find very bright ones, with a lot of white stones, as well as very dark churches with black rocks. But we didn't just see churches! As we wandered through the streets, we approached the Prague Astronomical Tower (a classic tourist attraction that comes alive every hour in an amazing way).


Now we are on the second day of the tour: Prague Castle and its surroundings. To get from the main city to the castle, we have to cross bridges. The most beautiful and the most touristy is the Charles Bridge. Here, we really had the impression to be in summer: big crowd, music of all culture, good weather, unobstructed view on both sides of the city, holiday atmosphere... Once passed this bridge, we have to do some exercise to succeed in going up to the castle. It's worth it... The Prague castle is the biggest in Europe with 570 meters long and 130 meters wide. We continued our visit of the castle with inside : huge squares, a cathedral, ...


To finish, we walked in the streets around with all the European embassies, the quays, ... It was very nice to be able to discover such a beautiful city in the company of his sister (especially that we ended on a good restaurant of Czech specialities : goulash and strudel).