
How to say goodbye


From the view of Eloi

This is the first time I've been abroad and for such a long time, so the goodbyes are not easy. Let's start with the family: my mother wants to make me happy and asked me what I wanted to eat for my last meal. We don't really have an idea because being used to eating well (living in France and with her parents) it's hard to think ahead and say "What will I miss? The answer will surely come by itself in a few weeks!

drawing of a family

It's touching to see how everyone says goodbye in different ways: a meal, a party, a message, a call, ... My friends chose to organise a surprise party for me. What's nice is that they plan the parties, activities, birthdays, ... according to me. That is to say, the week before my departure, we were together almost the whole week doing different activities, ... They told me that they would come to see me in the Czech Republic! I'm excited about all these ideas and it's also in moments like this that you see who you're really going to miss and who's really going to miss you. Personally, it is not easy to leave. I'm told that the departure is always the worst part of a trip and I want to believe that, but that's not my problem. In fact, I am not at all afraid of these few months but what makes me happy is the simple things: family and friends and they stay in France. Everything in this Erasmus is a discovery for me: the trip, the foreign country, fly (but I'm really looking forward to that), the duration, the culture, the flat sharing, ... Most students live the middle way. That is to say that they leave for their studies but they are not disoriented because they stay in their country or not far from their relatives. And then they leave knowing the language and knowing that they will come back next holiday. I'm leaving for six months, in a country where I know nothing, with a roommate of a different nationality with a different lifestyle and culture, and whom I obviously don't know: all this for the first time! There are a lot of first times in this Erasmus. But that's not negative! That's how you forge your experiences and I accept it not without pain.

We travel together