A Relief After Completing My Courses and A Fun Trip to Energylandia

From the point of view of Felix

A Relief After Completing My Courses and A Fun Trip to Energylandia

From the point of view of Félix

As a student enrolled in the Erasmus program, I recently had a memorable experience that I would like to share. It will be divided into two parts: completing my courses and a fun trip to Energylandia in Poland.

Although I am happy to have completed some of my courses, there is still some studying to be done. Nevertheless, it was a big relief to have completed courses such as Tchèque language, Communication Best Practices for Networks, and Algorithm, and to have passed them with flying colors. This has given me more time to explore the city, meet new people, and try new things.

The second part of my experience was a trip to Energylandia, a popular theme park in Poland, organized by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN). I went there with three other friends from ESAIP, and we had an amazing time. The cost was approximately €40, which included transportation, entry to the park, and a meal that included fries and a drink.

Energylandia has many attractions, including several thrilling roller coasters, which were my favorite part of the park. Unfortunately, we were stopped at the border by customs officials, which delayed our journey, but it didn't ruin our excitement for the park. However, one of my friends was not allowed to ride the best roller coaster due to his height, which was a disappointment for him (but also a relief I guess, this roller coaster in particularly was a bit scary), but it amused us a little.

During the trip, I also got a sunburn, which was an unpleasant experience, but it didn't ruin the fun I had at the park. Overall, the trip was a great way to unwind after completing some of my courses and to enjoy some time with friends.

In conclusion, the Erasmus program has provided me with amazing opportunities to study abroad, meet new people, and explore new cultures. Completing some of my courses was a relief, but there is still more to learn. However, the trip to Energylandia was a great way to unwind and have fun with friends, which was much needed after a period of intense studying. I am grateful for the memories and experiences that the program has offered me.