My Birthday

Celebrating My Birthday with Burgers, Goulash, and apple Štrúdl

My Birthday

From the view of Matéo

Celebrating My Birthday with Burgers, Goulash, and apple Štrúdl
Birthdays are always a special occasion, and this year, I was fortunate enough to celebrate with both my friends and my family. The celebration started with a visit to a local burger restaurant with my closest friends. We laughed, shared stories, and enjoyed delicious burgers.

Restaurant with Félix, Lucas, Eloi, Dorian, Richard, Louison

As my birthday week progressed, my parents came here to visit Ostrava. It had been a while since we had seen each other, so we spent the first day catching up over coffee and reminiscing about old times. That evening, I took them to a traditional Czech restaurant to introduce them to some local dishes.

Traditional restaurant

My parents were not familiar with Czech cuisine, so I ordered two of my favorite dishes: goulash and apple Štrúdl. As we sipped on some local beer its called Radegast, I watched as they savored every bite of the delicious, hearty goulash, and relished the sweet, flaky pastry of the Štrúdl. Seeing them enjoy these new flavors was a joyful experience for me.


Throughout the week, we explored Ostrava, visited museums, and strolled through parks. It was a wonderful time spent with my parents, and I felt grateful for their presence and the memories we created together.

My sister in the Mining Museum "Landek Park"

As our week together came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. Spending quality time with my parents and creating new memories was such a blessing, and I knew I would miss them dearly. However, I also felt a sense of excitement for my upcoming trip to Budapest with my friends. In just a few short days, I would be exploring the beautiful city of Budapest, known as the "Paris of the East." From its stunning architecture to its famous thermal baths, Budapest has so much to offer. I can't wait to experience the city's vibrant nightlife and taste its delicious cuisine, which I have heard so much about.

Budapest on a map

Stay tuned for our upcoming articles where we will share our experiences and emotions during our trip to Budapest. We'll explore the city's famous landmarks, taste local dishes, and indulge in the city's nightlife. We are excited to share our adventures with you and hope to inspire you to visit this magnificent city.