
France to Ostrava



From the view of Matéo

Auschwitz, Krakow, and Lodz: A Journey to Reconnect
I am counting down the days until my upcoming trip to Poland, where I will visit my friends in Krakow and Lodz. However, this trip is more than just a chance to catch up with old friends; it is also an opportunity to explore the rich history and culture of this beautiful country. One of the most emotional parts of my trip will be visiting Auschwitz, a former concentration camp that has become a symbol of the atrocities committed during World War II. As I walk through the camp, I know that I will feel a deep sense of sadness and horror at the thought of the millions of innocent people who lost their lives there. However, I also know that this visit is an important reminder of the importance of never forgetting the past and the lessons we can learn from it.


After Auschwitz, I will travel to Krakow, where I will meet up with my friends and explore the city. Krakow is known for its stunning architecture, charming old town, and vibrant nightlife. However, I am also excited to learn more about the city's history, including its Jewish heritage and the impact of World War II on the city and its people.


My final stop on this journey will be in Lodz, where I will stay with my friends and experience the city's unique blend of modernity and tradition. Lodz has a fascinating history as a center of industrialization, but it also has a rich cultural scene, with numerous museums, galleries, and theaters. As I reflect on this upcoming trip, I am filled with a mix of emotions. There is excitement at the prospect of seeing my friends and experiencing new places and cultures, but there is also a sense of sadness and somberness at the thought of the dark history that I will encounter along the way. However, I know that this journey will be an important opportunity to reconnect with friends, learn about history, and gain a deeper understanding of the world around us. In the end, I hope that this trip will not only be a chance to make new memories and deepen old connections, but also a reminder of the importance of empathy, compassion, and remembrance in our world today.