
France to Ostrava

Travel Preparation

From the view of Matéo

Preparation for departure !
Today we are the 13th of February and I’m so excited to go to Czech Republic. In fact, I’m go there in 4 days, and I start to prepare all the stuff that I’ll bring with me there like hot clothes because in Czech Republic it is 4 degrees at the moment and it’s the highest temperature of the week and the lowest is -8 degrees.

Oh my gold how cold it is !

But I am a bit worried because I can’t bring all the stuff that I want because I’m limit in the weight of my luggage.

My luggage is full !

To prepare this travel I have seen all my family the last week to say goodbye, I saw my grandmother the last weekend, so she cooked me my favorite meal. and I call Louison because we take the same plane. We will meet up the Friday morning to go to Lyon Saint-Exupery with one car so he will come to Grenoble, and we go to the airport after. Our plane take off at midday and normally will land in Prague at 2pm. After that we will take the train for 3 hours to go to Ostrava. There we will take the tramway to go to the university where there is our dormitory. So, we will take our keys and stuffs at the reception, and I will join Richard because we are in the same room with an Indian student.

Before landing there I do a lot of research on Ostrava like I learned that we could visit old mines or brewery. I also start to learn some word in Czech to communicate with native people, now I know how to say hello or thank you. The first weekend in this town with my friends we plan to visit Ostrava and locate some interesting places to eat or to visit. After a few weeks we are planning to visit some important places next to Ostrava and the Czech Republic like Auschwitz in Poland. We also plan to do some activities there like skiing, but my first goal is to meet other people and learn their culture. I also want to discover their food and new meal. In my research I have learned they do a lot of goulash which is similar of the French meal “boeuf bourguignon” I want to face our taste and habits to theirs.

To conclude I’m really excited to go in Erasmus and discover a new culture and meet people.