Preparation to return to France with Dorian

From the point of view of Louison

Preparation to return to France with Dorian

From the point of view of Louison

After spending three amazing months in the Czech Republic, the time has come for me to embark on a new journey and return to France. I feel both excited and nostalgic about leaving this beautiful country that has become my second home. My stay here has been an unforgettable experience, filled with discoveries, encounters, and precious moments.

This Wednesday evening, I am getting ready to return to France with my friend Dorian. We are heading to Nantes, a city that I have missed dearly. I eagerly anticipate reuniting with my family, friends, and the familiar places that have shaped my life. I know that this departure evening will be both joyful and emotional, as I leave behind wonderful memories and strong bonds forged during my time in the Czech Republic.

The preparations for my departure have been both exciting and emotional. I had to bid farewell to my Czech friends who have become like a second family to me. We shared unforgettable moments together, exploring the picturesque streets of Prague, discovering magnificent castles, and immersing ourselves in the local culture. I also had to pack my belongings and say goodbye to the apartment that has been my sanctuary for these three months.