
Erasmus travel


From the view of Louison

Today was an exceptional day, as I went to Energylandia with my friends Dorian, Richard, and Felix. The day promised to be filled with emotions and thrills. Energylandia, located in Poland, is an amazing amusement park, home to some of the best roller coasters in Europe.

Our first ride of the day was the incredible Zadra, a hybrid wooden roller coaster that impressed us all. Richard couldn't help but compare the sensations to being in a whirlwind. Felix, who is accustomed to roller coasters, admitted that this ride was one of the best he had ever been on. As for Dorian, he was so excited that he suggested we go for another round immediately.

After catching our breath, we moved on to Formula, an electromagnetic launch roller coaster. We were all surprised by the rapid acceleration and tight turns of this ride. I felt my stomach twist and my heart race, while Dorian and Richard exchanged excited glances, thrilled by these unique sensations. Even Felix, who seemed somewhat jaded by roller coasters, expressed his enthusiasm after this breakneck race.

We then took a break for lunch and enjoyed the park's atmosphere. Dorian even tried to teach us some Polish words, which caused the whole group to burst into laughter.

Refreshed, we headed to the Abyssus, a roller coaster with spectacular inversions. Although we were tired, we were delighted by this attraction. The loops left us speechless, and the twists made us shiver with pleasure.

Finally, we ended our day with the grand Hyperion, a hypercoaster with dizzying climbs and steep drops. Dorian, who was initially apprehensive, ended up loving the experience. Richard, on the other hand, couldn't stop shouting with joy at every turn. As for Felix and me, we were impressed by the sensations this ride provided and the breathtaking landscapes we could admire from the top of the climbs.

The bus ride back was tiring, but we were all happy to have experienced this incredible day at Energylandia. Dorian, Richard, Felix, and I shared our impressions and memories and have already begun planning our next adventure together. The roller coasters of Energylandia will remain etched in our memories, and the emotions we felt today have brought us closer than ever.