
The East Czech Republic City


The East Czech Republic City

Ostrava City Center:

Ostrava is a city located in the east of the Czech Republic, it is mostly known for its historical and cultural heritage. The city centre is an important part of the Czech culture and they are very attached to it, many tourists are present in the summer, especially from Germany and Austria according to our Czech friends.

Center of the city Ostrava

One of the most important places is the Ostrava cathedral, it is in the centre of the city and is freely accessible even at night. From the outside, its two towers are very impressive and are almost 100 meters high. Many valuable objects of the Catholic court can be seen here. It is considered to be an important place for Christians. The interior of the cathedral is very bright unlike our French cathedrals which sometimes look dark when you visit them. Its location is a bit strange, as it is not on a square or in a historical place, but right in the middle of the roads of the city.

Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

The castle is a bit off-centre, as it is located on Karolina's side, I was a bit disappointed by the visit of this one, as I imagined it to be much bigger and more impressive than this. However, it is in the middle of a big park which is quite impressive considering that it is in the middle of a big city.

Moravská Ostrava Castle

To return to the city centre, it is very lively in the evening. Indeed, the city has about 15,000 students, many of them international students due to its European school VSB TUO. The streets and bars, in the evening, are very lively, we were able to discuss for a few hours one evening with a Czech couple who came to sit at our table, they thought we had the wrong bars, because this one was mostly composed of people around 40 years old. They explained a lot of Czech traditions to us. They also gave us some places to go and eat and drink. That same evening, we had the opportunity to chat with international students from Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, that was cool because they were speaking a great english. So it was better to understand and speak together.

Stodonoli in the night