An Unforgettable Day at Energylandia with Felix, Dorian, and Louison


An Unforgettable Day at Energylandia with Felix, Dorian, and Louison


Energylandia, the largest amusement park in Poland, is an entertainment venue offering a unique experience for thrill-seekers. Established in 2014, this amusement park has continued to grow and evolve, attracting visitors from around the world with its innovative roller coasters and attractions for all ages.

That day, we began our adventure early in the morning. Waking up at 5:30 am and meeting Felix, Dorian, and Louison at the Sninov bus station at 7:20 am. After a bus ride of a few hours, we arrived at Energylandia at 11 am, eager to explore everything the park had to offer.

Upon arrival, we dove straight into the action by trying out Anaconda, a water roller coaster that had us screaming with delight while splashing us with water. Next, we moved on to Dragon RMF, another roller coaster for thrill-seekers.

After these initial attractions, we decided to ride Mayan, a sort of tower of terror that got our adrenaline pumping. Then, we continued on to Speed, a dizzying water roller coaster.

Mayan the roller coaster and Speed the one with water

At noon, we took a break for lunch. In my case, I opted for fried chicken with fries, a simple but delicious choice.

In the afternoon, we decided to experience Zadra, an impressive wooden and steel hybrid roller coaster. In pursuit of strong sensations, Louison and I chose to sit at the front of the car, which forced us to wear protective glasses due to the vertiginous speed of the attraction. This was an unforgettable moment when we realized that this roller coaster would truly provide us with intense thrills.


Then, we continued our exploration of the park by trying Abyssus, another water roller coaster with inversions. Finally, we ended our day with Hyperion, one of the most famous roller coasters at Energylandia. Once again, we chose to sit at the front and wear protective glasses to fully enjoy the speed and thrills offered by this attraction.


Felix and me in the Hyperion

After a busy day, the park closed its doors at 6 pm, and we began our journey back to Ostrava. We arrived home around 8:30 pm, exhausted but delighted with our fantastic day spent at Energylandia.

In summary, this unforgettable day cost us about 50 euros per person for about fifteen attractions and food. The value for money was excellent, and we were all more than satisfied with our experience at Energylandia. This amusement park is a must-visit for all thrill-seekers and families looking for a day of entertainment. The roller coasters and water attractions provided us with unforgettable thrills, and the friendly atmosphere of the park made our experience even more enjoyable.

Energylandia is an amusement park that is worth visiting if you are in Poland. The attractions for all ages, welcoming staff, and affordable prices make it an ideal place to spend a memorable day with friends or family. Do not hesitate to plan your own adventure at Energylandia and discover for yourself the thrills this park has to offer.

In the end, our day at Energylandia will remain etched in our memories as one of the most fun and exciting experiences we have had together. Whether it was getting soaked on the water roller coasters or clinging to our seats during the vertiginous drops of Zadra and Hyperion, we laughed, screamed, and enjoyed every moment spent in this incredible amusement park. We look forward to returning to Energylandia and experiencing new adventures together.