An unforgettable weekend in Budapest with friends

From Parliament to local delicacies

An unforgettable weekend in Budapest with friends

From Parliament to local delicacies

Last weekend, I had a memorable experience with my friends Félix, Dorian, Louison, Eloi, and Matéo. We took the train from Ostrava, Czech Republic, to reach Budapest, the beautiful capital of Hungary. The city, crossed by the splendid Danube, is full of historical monuments and local culinary specialties to discover.

As soon as we arrived, we rushed to visit the famous Budapest Parliament, an impressive neo-Gothic building located on the banks of the Danube. Built between 1885 and 1904, this monument serves as the seat of the Hungarian National Assembly and is the third-largest parliament in the world. In the evening, the lights highlight the fascinating architectural details and offer a truly unforgettable spectacle.

Budapest Parliament

Louison and I also visited the Budapest City Park, called Varosliget. This park was a true hidden gem in the heart of the city. We discovered a multitude of historical monuments, such as the Vajdahunyad Castle and Heroes' Square. We also had the chance to visit an impressive library located in the park. We were fascinated by the richness of Hungarian history that was displayed through these monuments.

Vajdahunyad Castle

After exploring the park, we toured the Vajdahunyad Castle. This magnificent neo-Gothic style castle was surrounded by a picturesque park and a small lake. We then walked to Heroes' Square, where we were dazzled by the millennial column that stands at the center of the square. Next to it is the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, another must-visit spot for art lovers. This day in Varosliget will remain in our memories as one of our best experiences in Budapest.

Heroes' Square

When we finished the visit for the day, we decided to explore Hungarian cuisine, known for its generous and spicy flavors. We had the chance to dine in a friendly local restaurant offering a varied menu of traditional dishes.

Goulash soup

Next, I tried goulash soup, an emblematic dish of Hungarian cuisine. This hearty soup consists of beef, vegetables, and spices, including paprika, a key ingredient in local cuisine. The combination of flavors and the tenderness of the meat won over my palate, and I can compare this dish to a kind of beef bourguignon, an iconic dish from our home.

Then I chose on my side to take the shoulder of lamb in a cream sauce, all accompanied by a Hungarian red wine.

Lamb Shoulder

Finally we spotted a pastry that we all decided to take. We all took a kind of chocolate cake accompanied by a passion fruit coulis. All this accompanied by a Hungarian wine

chocolate cake

This weekend in Budapest will remain etched in our memories, both for the richness of its heritage and the delights of its cuisine. If you have the opportunity to visit the Hungarian capital, do not hesitate to explore its architectural treasures and taste the flavors of its gastronomy. You will undoubtedly be charmed by this captivating city.