Dolní Vítkovice

The Iron Castle

Dolní Vítkovice

The Iron Castle

With my friends Félix, Matéo and I decided to visit a rather special place: Dolní Vítkovice, a former industrial complex located in the city of Ostrava. I had heard about this place as a true witness to the industrial revolution and the history of the region, and I was not disappointed!


As soon as we arrived in Dolní Vítkovice, we were impressed by the size of the facilities and the raw beauty of the steel structures. It was obvious that this place had been the center of intense activity for many years. The disused factories and blast furnaces that stood proudly in front of us testified to the power of the iron and steel industry of the time.

We started our visit walking through the discovery trail which gave us a better understanding of the history of Dolní Vítkovice and its facilities. Along the way, explanatory panels taught us how the different parts of the complex functioned and interacted with each other. It was fascinating to discover the complexity of industrial processes and the efforts made to master them. Then we had the chance to climb to the top of the "Bolt Tower", an 80 meter high tower that offers a panoramic view of Ostrava and its surroundings. From the top of the tower, we were able to admire the vast expanses of the region and the contrasts between the industrial areas and the surrounding green spaces. It was a highlight of our visit.


During our exploration of Dolní Vítkovice, we also visited the space called "Gong". This former gas hall has been transformed into a multi-purpose hall where cultural events, exhibitions and workshops are organised. We were able to attend a contemporary art exhibition which tackled the theme of industry in an original way.


After spending a good part of the day discovering the spaces of Dolní Vítkovice, Louison, Matéo and I wanted to get a closer look at the main furnace of the complex. Unfortunately, we quickly realized that this part of the site was not accessible to the public. A little disappointed, but understanding, we continued to explore the other parts of the resort before heading to our next destination.

Blast furnace

In summary, our visit to Dolní Vítkovice was a unique and enriching experience. We were able to immerse ourselves in the industrial history of the region and admire the grandeur of the facilities that have been preserved and converted to give a new face to this emblematic place. I strongly encourage anyone traveling to the Czech Republic to visit Dolní Vítkovice
